This calculator will compare the cost of staying in your current home versus the cost of moving into an Independent Living Center
We estimate Independent Center Rent
using the size apartment you select
and the average rent for that
size from our database.
You May Have Unexpected Expenses if You Stay in Your Home. Check any of these which could happen.
Any One Time Only Expenses you check will be included once
Periodic Expenses checked may be charged one or more times as expected life is exceeded.
Budgeted Expenses
Some of these could change
if you move into an
Independent Living Center.
Some may be completely eliminated,
Some (like Health Care) may not change.
Expenses From Your Budget
You Do Not Move |
You Move |
Property Tax:
Home Insurance:
Car Insurance/License: |
Health Cost: (including insurance) |
House and Yard: Include HOA fees here |
All Utilites: Nat Gas, Electric, Water, Sewer, Garbage, etc |
Car gas/maintenance: |
Groceries: |
All Other Budget Items: (clothes, phones, gifts, restaurants, grand kids, etc. etc.) |
Independent Living Rent: |
Total You May Spend |
If you DON'T Move |
If you DO Move |
You are using the Simple Version of this Calculator. We make many assumptions in arriving at our numbers. We use estimates for things like grocery bills, insurance bills, gas bills and many others. You can review and change these if you like. It will make your estimate more accurate if you do. Click this Button:
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